Not only the Nazi past haunts Germany. The generation of 1968 said and did things that they wish people would forget. Sexual liberation was total – and included children.
Daniel Cohn-Bendit has been squirming a long time, but seems not to have suffered any consequences because of his advocacy (and he claimed at one time) practice of pedophilia.
Danny Boy
Another politician has bitten the dust. (Main article in FAZ).
The Green party, to its credit, commissioned an academic study of the political advocates of pedophilia. To the regret of many, the commission is releasing many ghosts from the past.
Dagmar Döring, a FDP candidate (a member of Merkel’s coalition) , wrote an essay „Soviel Liebe und Zärtlichkeit – eine Frau liebt Kinder“ (“So much love and tenderness – a woman loves children”) in a 1980 book called „Pädophilie Heute: Berichte, Meinungen und Interviews zur sexuellen Befreiung des Kindes“ (Pedophilia Today: Reports, Opinions, and Interviews about the Sexual Liberation of Children), a book still found in many university libraries. Döring, then 19 years old, described her relationship with a 9-year-old girl:
„Sie setzte sich schließlich selbst auf meinen Schoß, sprach ganz lieb und brachte auch ihre sexuellen Wünsche zum Ausdruck. Ich war wie betäubt von ihr, so verliebt in ihre Art, ihr Aussehen, ihre Gefühlswelt.“
She sat on my lap, spoke lovingly and expressed her sexual wishes. I was enchanted by her, so lovely in her behavior, her appearance, her emotional world.
Döring continued:
Wir begegneten uns auf der Straße, sahen uns an, und wir merkten, es läuft etwas zwischen uns“ (…) „Nachdem ich nun eine längere, auch sexuell intensivere Beziehung zu einem Mädchen habe, erlebe ich, daß kein Mann und keine Frau, sondern nur ein Kind, insbesondere ein Mädchen, meine Wünsche und Bedürfnisse (…) befriedigen kann. Jetzt erfahre ich so viel Liebe, Zärtlichkeit, Ausgelassenheit, Wildheit …“
We encountered each other on the street, looked at each other, and realized that something was going on between us… Since I now have had a long and sexually more intensive relationship with a young girl, I realize that no man and no women, but only a child, especially a girl, can satisfy my desires and needs. I experience so much love, tenderness, boisterousness, wildness…
When Doring was 17, her 27-year-old teacher was prosecuted for abusing a boy. She was horrified – not by the abuse, but by the prosecution:
„Heute habe ich Angst vor den Gesetzen, die Liebe zwischen Erwachsenen und Kindern immer noch bestraft, wie ich es bei meinem Freund erlebt habe, dessen tiefe Beziehung zu einem 13-jährigen Jungen durch Zufall entdeckt und dann gewaltsam, brutal zerschlagen wurde. Davor habe ich Angst, ich verstehe es auch nicht, daher will ich, und hoffentlich nicht nur ich, alles tun, damit sich jene Gesetze ändern.“
Today I have dread about laws that punish love between adults and children, as I experienced in the case of my friend, whose relationship with a 13-year-old boy was discovered by accident and then powerfully, brutally crushed. Therefore I have dread, I do not understand it, and hopefully not only I will do everything to change such laws.
She accompanied this pedophile to Berlin. There for several years she was active in the „Deutschen Studien- und Arbeitsgemeinschaft Pädophilie.“ This was a homosexual group that campaigned to legalize adult-child sex.
The former candidate and mother of three
Döring has withdrawn her candidacy, but she still refuses to accept responsibility. She claims she had forgotten all about this essay, and that in any case it was imaginary:
In a statement on her website over the weekend, Döring said: “My attitudes and political activities in certain organizations are from today’s viewpoint completely unacceptable and were a grave mistake. I distance myself in all clarity from all texts and political activities of this early chapter of my life.”
She added that she was not politically active at the time, and said: “As a married woman and mother of three children, my then immature thoughts are today unbelievably embarrassing – most of all with regards to my family and my current colleagues.”
She told the Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper she wanted to contribute to a general coming to terms with what she called a “really dark time.”
But she stressed she had not actually done anything reprehensible, rather that she was withdrawing her candidacy for a Wiesbaden constituency in order to protect her family and party.
She whined to FAZ:
Was wiegen 33 Jahre eines respektablen Lebens gegen eine kurze Zeitspanne? Ich war 19 und es waren diese Zeiten, in denen wir verblendet wie wir waren, für eine solche Liberalisierung des Strafrechts eintraten.“
What does 33 years of a respectable life weigh against a short time span? I was 19 and it was the time in which we were blinded to speak up for such a liberalization of legal punishment.
The Green Party suffers from a similar amnesia.
Der Grünen-Abgeordnete Volker Beck etwa behauptet, es habe nie einen Beschluss
gegeben, der Kindersex straffrei stellen sollte.The Green member of parliament Volker Beck maintained that it has never passed a resolution that sex with children should be free of punishment.
But Dr. Stephen Klecha, co-author of the study the Green Party itself commissioned, says:
„Hier hat Beck eindeutig unrecht. Es gab fünf Beschlüsse der Grünen zu Bundes- und Landtagswahlen, in denen sie eine Abschaffung der entsprechenden Strafrechts-Paragrafen forderten…. Beim Thema Sex mit Kindern scheint das kollektive Gedächtnis der Grünen nicht gut zu funktionieren.“
Beck is here definitely wrong. There were five resolutions of the Greens in Federal and provincial elections, in which they demanded an abolition of the relevant paragraph about punishment….It seems when it comes to the matter of sex the collective memory of the Greens does not function.
(PS. the publisher of Pedophilie Heute now specializes in homosexual pornography – an improvement of sorts.)
Sigh. In the late 1960’s, in medical school we were told by psychiatrists that schizophrenia etc. would disappear as soon as society lost all their sexual hangups, and that to do this we needed to legalize abortion etc.
Introducing children to sex by a loving adult was discussed, but sexual abuse of children was not…
This proves just how empty headed politicians really are and that they will please any constituency they need to please in order to get elected.
Yes Janice ,
Look up Victory Institute from which the monies from “Victory Fund” emanated that Mrs Obama mentioned in by way of a big thankyou at the selection of her husband as Democratic candidate in his first race for the White House. The second time around she spoke at luncheons they hosted