In Honduras it is not just leftists (I will post that when my computer lets me) who like to blame the Jews for everything. After American papers starting in 2002 printed stories about sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, Cardinal Óscar Andrés Rodríguez Maradiaga realized who was behind these attacks (guess):

     “It certainly makes me think that in a moment in which all the attention of the mass media was focused on the Middle East, all the many injustices done against the Palestinian people, the print media and the TV in the United States became obsessed with sexual scandals that happened 40 years ago, 30 years ago,” Rodriguez said. 

     “Why? I think it’s also for these motives: What is the church that has received Arafat the most times, and has most often confirmed the necessity of the creation of a Palestinian state? What is the church that does not accept that Jerusalem should be the indivisible capital of the State of Israel, but that it should be the capital of the three great monotheistic religions?” (see John Allen, The Word from Rome).

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